Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dedicated to all of you at M.Hospital! Japanese version launched

Japanese version at

Today (16 September 2010) is the launch of the Japanese version of StemCells&AtomBombs 【幹細胞&原爆】 at and plans are in the works for the Russian, Italian, French, Chinese, German, and Romanian versions.

As this is my last day in the hospital, I find it appropriate to dedicate my new blog to all the people at M. Hospital who have helped me over this past year.

To all of you at M. Hospital, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could have told you all directly, but had I have tried, the tears would have washed the words from my mouth and you would have never heard my thank you.

I know that I have spoken about stem cells with many of you during my days in the hospital. I hope you have the time to read this blog. There will be regular updates and I would love to know that you are reading my words so we can continue our conversation. Signing up to receive these site updates will make sure that we are always in touch.

Spread the word in whatever language you can.
Let's remember that the whole world is not English. Do you speak another language? Would you like to become a volunteer translator for StemCells&AtomBombs? Send me an email. That's how it works - people helping people.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being already out of hospital! Congratulations on the launch of the Japanese version of StemCells&AtomBombs! I wish you good health and every success with your blog and its versions!
