Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not Just The News picks up our campaign

It was wonderful to see that our campaign to get answers from the Rick Hansen Foundation has been picked up by a social media news site in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Like I've always said, when we work together - we'll get results.


What’s wrong with the Rick Hansen Foundation?

As Rick Hansen starts his 25th Anniversary Tour, some people living with spinal cord injuries are asking questions about where the money is being spent

By Paolo Cipolla, USA 

As a person living with paralysis due to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) I am interested in medical research in the field. Since the first time I have heard about Rich Hansen I knew that to find a cure for SCI was one of his dreams and he was working on it to make a cure become a reality.

In the last few years I have been attending several international SCI research meetings to learn as much as I can about the field. 

Around the world there are many SCI organization that say they support medical research to find a cure for SCI. Rick Hansen Foundation (RHF) is one of the biggest if not the biggest of the world.

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